How To Make A Vision Board

A Vision Board is a visual tool that represents your dreams and it can be a powerful means of motivating you to take achieve them. Get ready to create your own Vision Board in 5 Easy Steps. (via aprettyfix.com)First, a confession:  When I first encountered the concept of a ‘vision board,’ I thought the whole thing was a bit bogus. I mean, why place a bunch of pictures on a poster or a cork board in the first place? At best, I’d have a fun and crafty project with some pretty pictures on it; at worst, a paper cut or two.

But lately, I’ve been seriously rethinking the value of vision boards. When done right, a vision board can help you stay on track and keep you focused on your goals.

Vision Board Basics:  So what exactly is a vision board? A vision board is a collection of images and affirmations that represent your goals, dreams and aspirations – essentially, your hope or ‘vision’ for the future.

The psychology behind it has to do with the raw power of visualization. Athletes, for example, use visualization to improve their performance. In fact, studies have shown that the same brain patterns kick into high gear whether an athlete imagines an action or actually does it.

So how does this relate to the subject of vision boards? Well, when it comes to achieving your goals, visualizing them is always the first step towards making them happen. Although keeping a list of your goals is extremely important, creating a vision board can help you clarify your goals even further with images that inspire and move you. And whenever you see your vision board, you will be reminded of the things that you wish to accomplish and motivated to achieve them.

Ready to make your first vision board?


How To Make a Vision Board - materials you will need.

  • framed cork board
  • magazine clippings (or printed images)
  • scissors
  • glue
  • craft paper
  • pins
  • spray paint
  • notepad and pencil

Step 1:  Vision Casting

How To Make a Vision Board - Step 1: Vision Casting

To create a clear and effective vision board, your vision must be very specific. Get out a notepad and begin making a list of the areas of your life that are most important to you. Examples may be:  marriage, family, career, health, spirituality, finances, travel, etc. Jot down your goals and the practical steps towards achieving them.

Tip #1:  Zero-in on on 5-8 goals. Any more and you may feel overwhelmed and lack the focus needed to achieve them. Be prudent and practical when casting your vision.

Tip #2:  Determine a practical time frame. I like to tackle things in bite-sized pieces. My current vision has a 1-year lifespan. Some of you may wish to create a 5-year or even 10-year plan. As long as your plan has some practical steps behind it, then cast your vision as far into the future as you wish.

Step 2:  Gather Magazine Pics or Pinterest Images

How To Make a Vision Board - Step 2: Gather Images

Now it’s time to find visual representations of your goals. For example, if your career goal is to become a personal trainer, then you may select images depicting physical activities. If your health goal is to become lean and healthy, then select inspiring images of food and fitness. The key is to choose images that are inspiring to you. Don’t overthink it. Listen to your gut. And don’t forget to cut out or print phrases or words that inspire you, too.

Step 3:  Make It Crafty!

As a craft/DIY blog, you know that I couldn’t create a vision board without adding a crafty flair to it. For this vision board, I decided to:

1. Spray paint my framed cork board

How To Make a Vision Board - spray paint framed cork board in your colour of choice.

2. Glue craft paper to each image (which will prevent the images from fraying)

How To Make a Vision Board - attach craft paper to cut images.

Step 4:  Create a Layout

Finally, it’s time to put it all together. Map out your images on the board.

How To Make a Vision Board - map out your layout.

Once you’ve created a layout you are happy with, pin each image onto the board.

How To Make a Vision Board - pin images onto board.

Tip:  If you prefer a collage or wish to glue images onto a poster board, then do what feels right. For me, I liked pinning the images on a cork board so that I can, in future, move things around.

Other vision board formats that you may prefer include:

  • art journals (with sketches or images glued on)
  • a yarn or string garland (with images hanging from your string)
  • inspiration wall using washi tape to add or remove images
  • virtual board on Pinterest

Step 5:  Display & Review Daily

Now you are ready to take a moment to review your new vision board. This is how mine looks like. Each image is linked to a specific goal that I have set for myself this year.

How To Make a Vision Board / via aprettyfix.com

While a couple of the images are related to my career goals and ‘craftspirations’ (pardon the pun 😉 )…

How To Make a Vision Board / via aprettyfix.com

…others are as simple as getting enough sleep and exercise (consistently 😉 ).

How To Make a Vision Board / via aprettyfix.com

How To Make a Vision Board / via aprettyfix.com

Keeping your vision at the forefront requires the visualization of your goals, so don’t put your vision board away in a closet! Display it in your office, den, craft room or bedroom. The key is to find a place that enables you to see your vision board daily. This will remind you of your goals and motivate you to take active measures to achieve them.

Remember:  The power is not in the vision board as a physical object; the power is in what we do to make it a reality.

Happy vision casting 🙂

A Vision Board is a visual tool that represents your dreams and it can be a powerful means of motivating you to take achieve them. Get ready to create your own Vision Board in 5 Easy Steps. (via aprettyfix.com)


For more crafts and DIY tips from other bloggers around the web, check out Show & Tell, Snickerdoodle Create-Bake-MakeSweet Inspiration and Pretty Pintastic Party.


  • Reply
    March 14, 2017 at 4:24 pm

    I love this idea for a vision boad, Jelica! You are right, they’re great visual reminders of your goals and aspirations. I have a few Pinterest boards I’ve used for similar purposes, but I love the idea of an actual vision board you can see in your home every day to remind you and help you stay on track!

    • Reply
      March 14, 2017 at 7:11 pm

      I’ve definitely been slow to the whole idea of a vision board, but I am now a firm believer in its value. I love looking at mine and feel pumped to stay the course! Not to mention, it was so much fun creating it and coming up with a basic design with my images. It took me a few weeks to gather the right images – ones that evoked a strong feeling – but it was well worth the wait 🙂

  • Reply
    Angela @ Setting My Intention
    March 28, 2017 at 4:37 am

    I’ve been meaning to do this this year as an “experiment”. I’m curious to see if it will be helpful. I write out my monthly goals on the blog, but I’d like to have a visual reminder of my annual and long term goals. Thanks for such a great visual guide!

    • Reply
      March 28, 2017 at 6:09 pm

      I think that a Vision Board can be incredibly valuable if it is targeting specific goals – and it sounds like that’s precisely what you’d be using one for. I would definitely encourage you to give it a try. If you are a visual person, it will be a fun project and one with a practical use. Hope you do experiment with it!

  • Reply
    Christina Makri
    January 9, 2018 at 7:27 am

    Great post full of tips and advices! I have never make one though I always keep my visions or thoughts in a note book

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